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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

ends of semester 2!

today im officially grad from semester 2 in uitm arau perlis in international business!
yea laa daa abes exam kan sure laa daa grade dari semester 2..
happy? tak jugak..
sedih? adaa laa jugak..
but seriously saya tak taw apa yang saya rasa..
senang cerita semua adaa laaa...

takut dengan apa yang akan berlaku lepas nie..
seram sebab i cant predict anything how my results could be..
happy sebab daa abes sem 2 laa.. daa abes exam..
sedih sebab semua all the paper sem nie susah!
gelabah sebab saya tak taw nak measure mcm mana pencapaian saya this sem..

hurmmm... bukan lah niat nak mengeluh tapi tue laa semua paper semester nie memang mencabar otak laa waa cakap lu..
tak percaya? grab any paper then tanya student semua..
sure jawapan diorang
"tak expect soalan macam nie"
serious weyh previous paper tak boleh nak dijadikan panduan langsung..

my first paper is quantitative business analysis!
yaa mapun this is one of my terrifying paper this paper!
serious laa!
memang laa semua soalan daa boleh expect sebab all the topic came up!
tak payah nak spot sangat laa kan..
7 topik kau belajar 7 topik laa kau hadap masa final..
soalan okay tapi saya siket menyesal sebab kat assignment method saya buang banyak masa..
then as a conclusion satu soalan iaitu soalan last tak sempat siap..! alhamdulillah tahun nie kuar inventory!
boleh laa score sket.
i do not have any idea how should my result will go?
hopefully i'm pass it! aminnnn...

my second paper is tamadun islam tamadun asia tenggara!
phewww...! even this paper only university requirement tapi susahnya mengalahkan specialization!
serious weyh saya tak taw apa saya jawab..
ada pakai logic akal ada pakai main taram jeaa..
hopefully i can pass it with flying colour...

my third paper which is personal financial planning!
subjek nie laa saya rasa paling gilaa paling haremmm kejadah time jawab exam hari tue!
serious susah babeng! tak pernah saya rasa susah macam nie jawab exam..
taram? sure laa adaa gilaa tak ada kan...
tapi memang gilaa laa paer nie..and i really do not know how to score it.. if pass tue daa kira bersyukur gila-gila daaa....
apa2 pon hopefully dapat better result laa kan...

my second last paper is human resource management!
haa yang nie lagi satu masalah.. gilaa tak masalah kan... ayat yang dia nak tanya tue bukannya straight forward berbelit-belit.. tanya straight to the point kan senang! soalan memang gilaa laa mencabar! spot satu pon tak leyh harap! memang gilaaa! even dulu daa pernah belajar subjek nie time diploma tapi sekarang memang im totally lost confident because of u!
what ever it is i still hope that i will pass this paper!

my last paper which is the last paper i sat today is global economic geography!
firstly nak say alhamdulillah sebab europe tak keluar langsung.. russia keluar tapi saya skip soalan tue..
alhamdulillah... saya jawab pasal bangladesh, africa, east asia which is china, korea, japan, taiwan, mongolia and lastly about latin america! russia ngan australia memang saya surrender awal2 laa.. gilaa nak jawab benda tue.. daa laa stady ala kadar jea pasal region tue..
even this subjek boleh buat you stressed babeng sebab you need to know all the region, sub-region, population density, epidemic, economy, sungai and others tapi seriously it is one of interesting subject to learn...
denagan apa yang dijawab tadi hopefully i can score it...this is my specialization for my course!
really hope it! aminnnn....

so paper semester nie daa complete.. mandarin dengan kesatria tak tahu lagi apa cerita.. hopefully okay laa..
okay laa saya mengantuk laaa... almaklumlah tadi buat laundry! hehehe...

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

*baru abes copy cerita nak buat balik..puasa kan? lepak tengok movie sudah... hehehe

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