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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

mood:final exam..!

inilah meja saya..
buku itu menjadi bukti yg sy memang stady...

yea saya tahu sume nie unhealthy food!
im very love it
kerana mereka laa peneman saya masa stady..
stady k mkn?
ta kisah laa kn~~

benda yg i need tiap kali stady..
sorry sluar tuan punya blog menyelit sket...

this is my pencil case
chantek kn??

*sume bnda2 nie sy perlukan tiap kali saya nk stady..
cehh poyo jea lebih stady kn..
byk mknn jea kn..
satu jea xda pixca..
my potato..sbabnya lupa nk beli..stock da habes..
n ice cream also...
yeah im very addicted with them..

wish me luck..
juz 2 more papers i need to settle..!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

please oper your eyes ayien!!!

Open ur eyes! Open ur eyes!
Please wake up to see who r u now!
Just 1 sem jea lagi..yea dis sem jea yg ko kna catch up..
ko da nak abes dip!! Da hmpir garis penamat da ler!! Pastue ko leyh blah dr tempat yang semakkan otak ko nie.. dpt lari dr oll bdk yg ko xsuka tue..dpt transkrip diploma yg ko nk tue..yg ko idamkan tue..yg ko boleyh jaja kt maner2 U or syarikat yg nk amek ko keja laa ngoii..
Sedar la banyak sket..please laa..
jgn down2 laa sengal..jgn pk ko xleyh stady..msti pk ko bleyh kuasai all the subjek..
ko boleh score..ko boleyh dpt straight A even ko nya carry mark ko yg nan adow jea..ko akn bleyh wat nya...positif weyh..!
At least letak kepercayaan yg lbh sikit kt diri ko tuh..saper ag nk caya kt ko law dri ko sendiri x caya..Advise org pndai…tp ko sendiri..
Saper nk respect ko law ko x respect diri ko tue weyh..
semangat!!!! Yea ko kena semangat lbh dr org lain..
biar kwn2 ko tuh nk pandang ko mcm mana..biar dorg da complete dip..biar dorg da in way to complete degree..biar dorg bahagia dengan balak2 or awek2 masing..biar dorg berjaya lu..
biarkn dorg!! Jgn ko gatal nk campur..!
jaga diri ko tuh yang penting..sapa nk jaga ko if ko xjaga diri ko sendiri??
pikirkan diri ko sendiri..
ckp juz b wat I wanna b n what I care for still nk pk org..sket2 org...perasaan org jugak yg ko nk jaga kn..
Please ler jgn pk org...
bkn dorg!! But yourself..!
You wanna be a person who have own identity and no be the others..

lantak dorg r nk pndg ko mcmane pon!!
lantak dorg r nk kutuk ke ngumpat ko ke hape!!
ko x hidup sbab dorg laa weyh..
Dorg xpernah pon bg ko duit belanja pon..
Dorg xpernah nk ajr ko suh berjaya laa..

Please laa weyh jd diri ko sendiri bkn org lain!
N plg penting janji ko belajar la weyh..ntok ko jgk kn..ntok ummi ayah ko jgk kn..!!
ko kena ada kesedaran sendiri laa jgn nk mengharapkan orang lain yang akan tolong ko sedar..
X pyh mengharap bnda tue akn dtg sendiri dalam idop ko..!!jangan sesekali laa weyh..ko igt ko putri raja macam dlm lagu fairytale tuh..??Please ler jgn berangan di siang hari…!!!

ko kene sambung degree n master!! Ckp malu ngn sepupu ko yang belajar tinggi2 tue..
Biar orang nk cakap hape pon..ko jeles k..nie perangai melayu k aper k..da sah2 ko tue ank melayu kn..So please laa bangga ngn diri ko tue..
Eh please r!
Mane perginya impian ko??
Cita-cita ko yang melangit tue??
Yg nk jadi kaya laa aper laa..
At least ko dpt sekali lagi png 4.0 sblom complete dip ko nie..
ko xnak wat ummi ayah ko bangga ngan ko macam ko dapat 4.0 hari tue ker??
masa ko dpt besh result ntok UPSR PMR??
SPM tue xpyh citer laa kn..ko pon taw kn masa tue ko mmg malas giler..But parents ko still leyh bangga ag ngn A1 ko tue..Even xbyk maner pon yg ko dpt kejar..
dorg bangga giler kn ngn ko??
ko nk org sekeliling ko ckp ko tue bodowh??Study kt kolej pon keputusan truk?
Ko nk k??
xnk kn??
So g BELAJAR!! Pegang buku ko tue..pegang calculator ko tue..
naik kn pointer ko tuh!!
sbb ader prasaan mls ler pointer ko akn jatuh beng oii??
ko nk k pngk ko yg 3.** tue turun..
Adoiiyaiii...per nk jd ler ngn ko nie..
Berjoyah2 nk..
Aiseyman pmls giler dowh..
Please ler..

ko x payah ingt la bnda2 yg da lps tue..
yg da berzaman dah tuh..
Siap da bleyh masok muzium da tue..
sedar la weyh!
da xde sape nk keep inspired ko da..
da da laa..
Lg2 si dia..
dia xprnh syg ko..
Die da berjaya dlm idop dye..dia da ada awek da kn..dye sendiri yg ckp ko kn yg ko wat dye merana..tue laa saper suh ko ignore dye dulu..mak dye pon da suka giler kt ko dulu..
Tp skunk jgn harap laa dye nak baik ngn ko mcm dulu2..
ko x tercabar ke dgn keadaan sidia skunk???dgn apa yg ko da buat ngn dye tp dye still berjaya ag..
xda perasaan lgsong? Mmg giler r ko nie law ko xda rsa per2 langsong…
sume bnda ko nk buat nk nape msih ader prasaan mls tue..nape??
eee gedik la ko nie ayien!!

ko kena bukti kan kat die!
ko ni kan boleh..
belajar tinggi..
hidup tnpa ader kelibat dye dlm idop ko..
study tnpa nk pk psl die...
Hari2 ko tanpa ader kenangan ngn dye..
jgn rindu2 dye lg la weyh!
dye da ada steady gf daa..
gedik la ko nih..
Die xrindu ko pon..ko taw! Sikit pon x taw! Besar kuman pon x taw..!
pdan muke ko..saper suruh ko pergi reject dye da syg giler kt ko, tp ko xprnh plak amek port pon kn..yg nan adow jea ko tue..
pdn muka ko..
baru skunk ko nk terhegeh2 kt dye..hrp kt dye..
So tanggung r sendiri..
One more time..

biar org lain pndg ko sebelah mata..xpndg ko pon..
janji ko xwat salah ngn dorg..jnji ko x sibok hal dorg..
asl xwat yg allah marah..
jd diri ko sendiri!!
ko wat jea laa hal sendiri..ko sibok laa hal ko sendiri..
jgn jadi plastic jgn jd hipokrit jgn nk cuba jadi sampah masyarakat!!
tlg bangga ngn diri ko tuh..
org lain xkn bangga ngn ko if ko xbangga ngn diri ko sendiri laa ngoi…
and if ko da bangga ngn diri ko org akn respect ko org akn bangga ngn ko..even x tunduk kt ko..
ko x puas aty k if jd cm tue?

*jgn ulang kesilapan ko yg dulu2 laa
byk masa daa yang ko buang taw..
ko merana giler kn dulu2??
Ko malu kn??
igt sume tue..
Jd kan bnda tue semangat baru kt diri ko tue..

Keep searching on it..!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

im down..=(

yurp im very down..
aku serabai sangat..i need someone to talk..i do not know who should i find that time..
im very2 aku tak boleyh stady langsong..pegang buku igt dye..bukak lagu igt lagu yg dye dedicate ntok i,igt lagu kitorg..tgk hp igt dye..dpt mcg igt kata2 semangat dr dye tp haram..kata2 gatal plak yg aku dapat...
no one for me that tyme..sedeyh giler r..huh satu bnda pon x jalan..! i cant think anymore..

im try mcg syaz..
tp dye ngh stady..xnk laa gangu dye...she needs study so that dye dpt buka mata mr r dye tue..
aku support dye..
so aku pon try mcg memba aku..sekepala ngn aku laa kiranya dye yg response nya abg laa plak..malu gak ler sbnrnya nk story mory ngn dye nie..
he still repeated that he is a good listener n i can share everything with him..
hurmm he just so nice person to me..
da berulang kali dye ckp cm tue aku pon citer laa kt abg..
1st tue kitorg just mcg jea but he called felt very free while talked to him..
yeah he so good listener..
dr mcg lps tue call and then mcg again..jejak dekat koi 4 jugak kot..
sorry abg tertidow..penat kot..huuu...
byk gak ler bnda kitorg share mlm tue..
dr personal smpi k all kind of music..
im happy sgt..
thnxs abg!

satu bnda yg agk giler aku buat mlm tue ada laa..
SMS wif him..
him? yea him..i kenal kan sbg mr AS jea laa..i pernah post psl dye sblom nie..yg psl rindu dye tue..someone who i knew in study week..
realy happy mcg wif him..
tp ader satu bnda yg agk mengejutkan biler dye ckp.
"i dah kawen" n "you yg buat kan i terluka"
perghh sentap kejap weyh...
tp seriously dye x kawen pon lg..still study in electrical eng..
BTW wish u luck ea..
i x akn kacau u daa..
n i akn cuba study tnpa mengharap pd u daa..
oll our memory let it be memory to us...
just keep it ok..
oh yea thnxs for love me..and it goes to ur family member also..

i hate guy yg gatal!!
yg miang!!
sorry r aku mmg xleyh laa ngn lelaki yg jenis cmnie..
ko dah r mcg aku k aper k..ko kol pon agu xkn jawab ler..
padan muka ko..
like syaz said got msg from him just delete it..
sorry r even ko da kwn ngn aku da lama..
sbr2 aku pon ada limit.
aku bukan jenis pempuan yg murah laa weyh..
aku mahal k..(abg setuju ngn yg nie)

n oll those words it goes to

*thanks 4 being my side whenever i need someone..thanks cause u willing to cheer up my day..thanks 4 being a good listener to me..thanks 4 your joke...thanks 4 your advise..thanks 4 your care..u're such a nice person to me..i'm really appreciate...u're my guardian angle to me..u make my tears away..thank you so much..

shayunk abg..♥♥♥


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

totally miss him...:(

yurp every second i think of u..
oll of ur word..
our song..
our laugh..
totally missed...

coz every tyme aku nk exam msti aku igt dye..
nie blom pg exam ag..
no one yg akn wish aku mcm dye buat..
a big supporter in my life..
thnxs sesangat...

im not miss mr z but someone i knew in my stady week..
last study week..
dye banyak support aku..
totally miss himmm...:(

Monday, November 1, 2010


giler nk party??
exam da around the corner laa gurl..
lg seminggu jea lg nk exam taw..

ha ah lg seminggu jea lg nk exam..
yg membanggakan satu pon x stady ag..
sempat k x kena jugak catch up nie..

law story about oll the subject i taking dis sem..
hurmmm agk menyakitkan jugak ler..
da ler credit hour tinggi..
ada yang 4 n ada yang 6..

if tgk kt carry mark dis sem agk ssh laa jugak nk score straight A..
mana x nya sume dpt A-..
tue laa bahana nya biler rajin sangat pergi kelas..
n kerja hari2 nya just nk berjoyah2 jea..
taubuat da ler kan...

per2 pon positif ajea laa...
mintak2 dapat 4.00 lagi dis sem..

after exam
i will say goodbye to diploma n
say a warmest welcome to marketing...
yurp i wanna that course for my degree...
hope i will get it..

lets check out my exam schedule dis sem!
8 nov: operation managment..
10 nov: ENL
12 nov: managerial accounting...

*pixca yg kt bawah nie last party i attend
sorry laa ea pixca agk blurby plus i agk da x terurus..
saper sblh i??
saper yea..
ntah laa korang pk sendiri laa yea..

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