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Sunday, October 30, 2011

it's rainy mood!

ok laa 1st of all nak say sorry laa sebab my previous entry tuh!
almaklumlah masa tue tengah hangin siket!
ok laa now tak nak dah story-mory pasal benda alah tue!
semua tue dah settle! buang jea laa kan yang keruh tuh kan bak kata pak incik!
ok over!

hurmmm now nak change my mood jap yea!
nak whining siket jea..
penat kena mengadap buku non stop!
*weyh ayin ko tuh student mestilah kena ngadap buku!*
kuiz straight!
*standard laa ayin tue kan assessment!*
ada program kemahirah insaniah!
*tak suka kena korbankan ahad saya yang indah untuk program seperti ini!*
ada test!
*banyak weyh nak kena catch up bila kena hadap test nie, kecut perut pon yea!*
haa yang nie saya paling suka "MENGHITUNG HARI NAK BALIK KAMPUNG"
*kecoh jea ko kan ayin macam takl pernah nak balik kg!"

this week maybe saya tak sempat nak update story lagi sebab saya nak kejar test! test saya banyak sesangat minggu nie! yea sayang sumpah tak tipuuu!

isnin,31.10-kuiz internet and web management!
selasa,1.11-listening test for mandarin!
rabu,2.11-operation management test!
khamis,3.11-economic test!

hows my day? seems hard kan? kan kan? please laa cakap yes,absolutely girl!*gedix arh ko, ayin!* but serious cakap semua tue killer subject kot! takuuuttt!
so guys wish me luck yeah for my test and my quiz also! really hope dapat skor! thanks sayang!

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

*saya nak fix up balik my relation with them! really want! i want the old one!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

hidup aku! cara aku!

aku pelik laa nape manusia nie perlu nak kena jaga tepi kain orang! parents aku sendiri tak pernah nak sibuk hal aku !
selama nie aku bahagia ngan hidup aku!
ada parents yang suportive! family yang best! kawan-kawan yang sekepala!
tapi sekarang hidup macam bongok jep!
semua aku buat tak kena! semua aku pakai tak sempurna!
kau nak suruh aku pakai jubah?
dah banyak kali aku dengar dari mulut kau yang kau komen pasal dress up aku! salah sangat ke cara aku berpakaian? nie belum aku free hair lagi! aku nie bukan lah manusia yang nak kena ikut tali yang kau buat!
mungkin kau sempurna pada mata kasar tapi kau cukup yakin ke yang kau tue sempurna dari segenap segi?
blah laa kau!
if kau baca blog aku nie aku nak cakap laa siket:
jangan laa nak jadi ustazah typical instant sangat! kau jangan nak judge orang lain sebab pakaian dye! untuk pengetahuan kau semua baju aku yang kau tegur tue kebanyakan nya mak ayah aku yang beli untuk aku! means if kau kritiuk baju aku tue, kau kritik mak ayah aku jugak! jaga diri kau sendiri laa! kubur masing2! kau jangan sampai aku bencii kau sampai tahap aku tak leyh nak cakap dengan kau! jangan sampai aku bitch kan kau! yea aku taw aku pendendam! so watch out your action!

*kemarahan aku tak lepas! esok malam aku update lagi! need to sign out! ready for exam!

Friday, October 21, 2011

tourist wannabe at kangar!

entry inie sebagai bukti yang saya pernah keluar bersama mereka and we have a great weekend! masa entry satu hb oct hari tue saya ada mention pasal benda nie..
aper lagi jom laa layan pixca!

yea sayang inie laa kami semua!
tempat nya kurang pasti laa pulak yang penting ada sungai!
feeling tue dah macam kat sungai rejang dah rasanya!
hahaha melampau!

saya suka pixca nie!
love it!

i let u all caption this pixca!

nie laa roomate saya sekarang!
kechik jea orang nya
tapi dye tetap kakak saya!

minum dalam jug pon cover ea?

tengok kami!
excited bebenor tak ada cover langsong!

kenyang ok!
even sup masih banyak!

peace sebab dapat pizza!

muka azie yang kenyang!
nasib dapat jalan lagi balik!
jgn marah haa..

sesudah kekenyangan!
licin kami makan!
even tak dapat powder cheese!

huargh amek gambar tangan dengan gelas jep
yang penting
masing2 senyum sampai ke telinga!'

perghh finally kami dapat jugak cari saki baki western food even pizza more to Italian food kat bandar arau nie..!

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

*how about your weekend guys?

bowling time!

huarghhh... finally i have a little time to update my recent stories especially for you, guys! *poyos* hahaha..
first of all nak say sorry sesangat sebab dah lama tak muncul disini.. busy laa sayang..! ok laa sebagai tebus salah saya kat kamu semua saya try my best untuk buat entry rempit malam nie..huarghh rempit you all! hahaha

ok laa 1st nak story pasal bowling tournament hari tue! woah nak tournament bagai kan? biasa laa kami kan? kiranya nie 1st activity kami bersama-sama sejak stay kt sinie..jom laa layan pixca..

nie laa geng kami.. chantek ke?hahaha

agak nampak kegedikan disitu yep! haish!

huargh amat chantek kami kan? hahahaha

finally we found who is winner for that night!
kakak azie yang chantek!
tapi dye xda belanja kitorg makan pun as a reward..
so kakak awak berhutang disitu yep!

sebelum balik let's take a photo!
but blurby!
hate pakchek yang jaga tempat bowling tuh!

nie kami semua yang join that nite!

we totally had a great nite dat day! so fun!

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

*i wanna a great weekend!

Monday, October 17, 2011

you are my favourite song!

Words don't come easy
Without a melody
I'm always thinking
In terms of do-re-me
I should be hiking, swimming
Laughing with you
Instead I'm all out of tune

But what you don't know
You lift me off the ground
You're inspiration
You helped me find my sound
Just like a baseline
A half-time
You hold down the groove
That's why I'm counting on you

And if I heard you on the radio
I'd never wanna change
a single note
It's what I tried to say
all along
You're my favorite song

I'm in a session writing tracks
You've got another class
to teach
And then rehearsal with a band
[Credit MlCBT]
You're always one step
out of reach
I'm looking for some harmony
With you it comes so naturally
You helped me find the right key

And when I here you on the radio
I'd never wanna change
a single note
It's what I tried to say
all along
You're my favorite song

And when I here you on the radio
I'd never wanna change
a single note
It's what I tried to say
all along
You're my favorite song
You're my favorite song

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

*you're always in my mind!

Friday, October 14, 2011

why does he message me again!

last Wednesday i thought he message me..
oh my! perasaan aku memang mengong laa!
try sedaya mungkin ignore dye nya mesage!
even mesej just tanya khabar!
and pada masa tue laa macam nak chill jep sebab dah bengka ngan dia nya behave kan!
cuak pon satu hal!
yea laa per kes kan dia nak mesage aku dah ada istri jaga jea laa istri tue.. xpayah nak merendek sangat laa..!

mencii laa..!
kenapa kau nak kena muncul dalam hidup aku lagi?
aku dah boleh kot lupakan kau.
tak ada dah nak jadi orang bodoh teringat kt kau lagi!
tapiii macam nie kan kau balas aku?
memang bodo0h laa!

why does you still contact me? yet you not my boyfriend anymore. you had a wife already! What is the need for you to know my every movement? My head is going around in circles, with me clearly. in the first instance…. telling him to leave me alone and then him….texting me and then me thinking (stupidly) that he still interested again and asking my friends if we can make another go and then him saying no and just let him go from my life. So then i ignore him. What is this circular behavior?!

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

*mengupdate ngn perasaan bengang sedih terkilan! T.T

Monday, October 10, 2011

true friendship that i admire!

to some people ,
a friend is practically
anyone they know.

to me,
friendship means a
much closer relationship.

a friend is someone I
trust enough,
to share a part of myself.

that kind of relationship
doesn't come along

when it comes to friends
its quality,not the
quantity that counts
and with you
i know i have the

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

* i'm desperate to find what they deserve to call friend!

may i let my anger out?

i have to admit
i'm a very very sensitive person .
i cry a lot even for a small matter .
i even "cepat terase"
and i always feel abandon .
i dont know why i'm feeling this way
but it makes me stronger i thought.
it makes me want to stay alive and face the world..

your behave to much!
i know that i'm starting to hate your behave sissy!
i try to pretend to be the best actress when with you!

the others please respect a bit my feeling!
just a bit not more than that.!
if u respect the others and they will do the same thing to u, silly!

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

*i wanna a real friend..! T.T

Saturday, October 8, 2011

happy birthday, Mimie sayang..!

sorry sangat sayangs lambat laa plak terwish kt kau..busy sesangat..

Hey u, Syamimie!
Happy burfday to you!
Sweet 22! Sweet ke da tua da tue! U getting older laa dearly! haha.. May this burfday be just the beginning of a year filled with all of memories, happiness and success!
sorry sayang i x sempat nak masukkan gambar sebab aku da tukar lappy. gambar kita semua ada dalam lappy lama..t i masukkan yea...huhu

sedikit kata2 terspecial untok kau sayangs!
*doesn’t be so tension yeah! Jangan laa fikir why umur kau bertambah lagi dis year! Haha.. If u needs somebody to share x kira laa ko sedeyh ke, nak marah ke, bengang ke, happy ke, need someone to share or hear your problem ke I’ll always for u! No worries!
*ko mesti ingat benda nie - kau chantek! Kau jelita! kau kurus! Kau pandai bergaya.da feminine daa totally different ngn aku..*jeles i taw!
*Aku nak kau jadi very2 vocally person laa! Aper2 kau x puas hati ke aper kau nk ckp ke kau lantang jea bersuara weyh! Impress! Kau dah laa penyanyang! Buktinya kau suka budak2 selalu jea jadikan budak2 as a profile pixca kau.

Btw once again!
Happy burfday sayangku! Dah 22 tahun yea kau! So sila lah terima kenyataan ini.haha hadiah? Aku x kaya lagi laa ntok pos hadiah ntok kau for this year plus dis time poket aku dah rabak daa ntok survive life kat sinie! One day, yeah.make sure masa tue aku da kaya laa kan..hehe Aper yea nak bagi kat kau yea? alarh tunggu jea laa weyh surprise dari aku!wish one day!hehe Ok forget it now for awhile! Dear, may your all dream come true! Dapat complete study, dapat jadi librarian, dapat beli honda (nanti bawak aku jengjalan yea), hope mr N ko dapat jadi calon suami yang menepati ciri2 yang ko harapkan and at the same time dapat memenuhi ciri2 yang family ko ingin kan tue! And really hope that u wills always success in what u get in future! Aku akan selalu support ko! So enjoy ur day! Don’t stop smilling yeah! Hope u have a blast one! U are the besh bff that I ever had in my life! Sayang ko ketat-ketat taw! Muahxs! *hugs*

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

*wish everybody have a gud day yeah readers! thanks for your drop here! lurve u more!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

hey October!

yeah here you come to me October!
lama gila tak update story-mory kat sinie kan?
busy meng-adapt kan diri laa sayangs..
serious cakap memang susah laa nak survive kat sinie..
dengan environment nya, makan nya, orang-orang kat sinie and etc laa..T.T
masih sukar laa nak sesuai kan diri tue.. cehh ayat nak skema jea kan?
yea saya taw saya bukan seorang yang skema..
since saya kat sinie saya macam baik jea taw sebabnya hari-hari saya mentekedarah nasi.. dulu mana nak ada makan nasi malam-malam nie.. seminggu dua kali jea makan nasi dulu sebabnya i prefer western food or mee, meehoon, kueh-tiaw and etc tapi sekarang harapan jea laa hari-hari nasi.. badan sekarang dah macam belon dah sekarang.. sorry kakak i break my promise!

ok now back to real tittle!
tup-tap kejap kan dah October!
welcome to October a month of surviving, of studying, of striving, and of celebrating. i'm not sure how it's possible. but i will try into it. wish for my luck yeah. i really need to!
how about you? i hope your october will going smoothly!

i need to go laa hidayah zainuddin dah marah! dia suruh saya mandi! so care! hehe
oh yea lupa nak cakap i got a great day today! hang out with them on 1st october! so nice ever! next time i will show you all our pixca ea.. =)

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

: Alhamdulillah :) I'm enjoying my weekend SO MUCH !!! I ♥you October !

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