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Friday, April 20, 2012

hye u alls! actually terlalu banyak benda nak share ngan korang tapi masa tue laa.. selalu x cukop.. serious since masuk sem baru nie my life agak very the kelam kabut laa.. sampai weekend pun ada program kena hadirkan diri kat kampus! standard student!
ok2 sebenarnya niat post hari nie sebab nak going thru my story secara random but bila nampak new features of blog nie agak kureng daa mood tue datang! aduiiI!
ok laa entry nie just nak list apa yang saya lalui yea.. and lain kali baru kita story on detail yeah friends! hehe

1. today! saya nak BALIK KAMPUNG! excited ok! even saya dah dapat predict hows my holiday could be! but most important is i dapat lari dari dunia sesak kat perlis nie..!
2. QMT test! amat susah disitu! takuuut!
3. kuiz personal financial  belum buat lagi.. tak tahu bila perlu solve it!
4. semalam ada survival mahsiswa uitm! not bad laa.. got an input from that program not like i predict before this!
5. tension memanjang! sebabnya banyak esaimen!
6. kawan2 rumah buat unexpected celebration birthday! thankyou friend for yummy ice-cream cake and pizza hut! totally appreciate it! love all of you!
7. menggila di karoake! best ok! wawa i remember all of ur behave at ingame!

so how you predict my day? in reality even its tough but its quite fun lorh! thanks to my friends yang selama nie banyak laa faham cekdak saya nie! lain kali saya continue story lagi yea...

till then!
sealed with lots of love!

*home! i come! 

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