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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

hurm what should i...

memory wif kwn2 yg dlu2...msa lepak kt noodle station..
bukan yg semalam..semalam hanya berdua...

aper2 hal nk ngeluh lu ea...huhhh! sorry kepada sesaper yg xsuka..
(macam laa blog aku nie ader org baca kn)..xper laa xda org baca pon..aku sendiri pon leyh jugak bacanya..hahahaha..

mengeluh hanya disebabkan oleh makan terlalu banyak..
rutin babe..
semalam kuar ngn mimie, mkn mee kt noodle station pastue ader laa rsamimie punya chicken chop sket..sket jea yea..(mimie jea mkn habes)hehehe...pastue mkn strawberry with choc..alaa mcm mkn kt mid dulu tue..kitorg share jea..almaklumlah sharing is caring...hahaha...
sebelom kuar tue da mkn daa..pulut ngn kuih muih yg lain..(if mkn kuih mmg mcm x igt dunia jea)

pastue mkn lg..(nie dengan famly plak)
mc donald's time!
*burger spicy chicken mcdeluxe
*coke yang large punya
*fries pon yang large jugak(almaklumlah mc shackers)
*ice cream sundae choc( bukan yg cone)
*makan ayam kfc maryam sket..hehehe..

tgk ayah mkn nasi rasa nk mkn nasi tp disebabkan skunk i ngh bercuti dr nasi so i mkn lauk jea laa..bleyh thn gak ler kuantiti lauk yg i makan...
malam sket tue join famly makan roti canai sardin plak..(habes sekeping)kenyang habes...

oh yea lupa plak
masa balik umah tue tgk kt dapur ader lauk yg kakak hantar..disebabkan nk sgt mencuba rasanya i mkn smpi skit perut mlm tue..taubuat da ler kn xmao mkn mknn bersantan lg..yea i mmg alhn sket ngn santan nie.certain2 tyme laa..depends kt org yg masak..

per2 pon i mmg mkn over the limit laa smlm..
OMG anyone can help me to get my body back..i need diet!
(mimie admit yg i makin gemuk)
so no more rice for this week! please get away from my life..juz for temporary k..

*lama kan x post bnda2 gnie..slalu sgt kebelakangan ini post psl cinta jea..balik2 yg frust..
huh!! but now im promised that no more sickness in my life..lovey-dovey brouhahas cant never will destroy me!

*who need diet*

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