hey guys! imma in love with this movie! demmit!
its the one of the best film we have ever laa..
its sound like i wanna do it some marketing for this film jea kan?
biarlah aper pon yg penting nya i nk gtaw kt diri sendiri pon jadi laa kn..yang i x pernah terasa nak tengok behind the scene mana2 film but this film punya i memang tengok..habis setengah jam lebih kurang i terstay depan tv semata2 nk tengok and at the same time mengagumi this film even imma not from kedah! well as you know especially orang yang suka history nie this epik actualy berasal dari asal-usul raja-raja kedah based on mitos and legend!
salute giler ngn kumpulan trio 3 beradik nie!
saper lagi kalau bukan KRU
dari menyanyi, rapers(x confidence ngn dis word actually..sorry yeah), cipta lagu, lyricist, berlakon, and now distributer for epic movie plak..
i sure sangat mereka nie bukan nya nak jual sangat this film tapi lebih kepada nak mendedahkan akan a bit of our khazanah..kiranya macam tanggungjawab sosial mereka kepada masyarakat laa kan..ini terbukti dengan belanja yang mereka keluarkan..
perghh memang kagum giler laa..
keep it your spirit ntok berkarya yea..
jangan berhentti..
Ok laa mau ceghita antara sebab laa yang membuatkan i teradmire habes this film!
1st-amazed with the trailer!
2nd-salute dengan director and the whole team yang sanggop menanggung risiko untok menerbitkan film yang amat lain journalnya!
3rd-their budget! besar giler budget dye!yea laa kan film termahal kot!
4th-sudah terjual ke 72 negara kan?belom pernah rasanya our local film yang terjual sapai ke 72 negara. so amazed laa guys!
5th-their set? really2 nice laa..(macam nak jea tengok real)
6th-adapted myself to "zaman2 purba kala"..which is abad yang da lama and bukannya abad ke 21..(lupa laa citer nie based on abad ke berapa)
7th-pelakon? gempak habes dengan local and also international! bukannya aper macam dye blend all the actors are very real..means very2 menjadi laa..congrate guys your acting are superb!(even i belom tengok full version, well its only trailer bcoz the full movie only come out on 10th march 2011)
8th-learned a lots of new things..well i hidup zaman maju zaman tekno x pernah nk stady all about history nie..tapi dis story berjaya buat i like i wanna learn about it so much!hehe..
9th-this movie overcame with challenge! may be a few or a lot..just the distributor of this film can answer it!huhu..
10th-for me its an evolution to Malay film industry!
if kat international mereka boleh bangga dengan the lord of the rings, the chronicles of narnia and etc but we also can proud with this Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa or maybe we can call it "a malay chronicles"..
to the whole team for this film especially director!
congrats guys!
all your work are awesome!
keep it man!
much love..
*wahh! terlebih admire plak kan..if sebelom nie lebih admire kat orang but now i admire this film so much laa..!love it!
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