a few wish for him!
- I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and to let you know that you are not alone. Should you need someone to lean on, I will be here for you.( like imma still love him! no way! )
- I will stay with you through and through forever and ever, We will be friends until the end.
- There is a gift that gold cannot buy, A blessing that's rare and true, That's the gift of a wonderful person coming into my life, Like I have in you! Happy Birthday!
- I'm here, right now, on your special day
So lets give a cheer for you, hip, hip, hooray!
So lets give a cheer for you, hip, hip, hooray!
hahaha..whats going now? seriously i dont know..ahahah..just keep it up! =P
ok this one is real..
happy birthday!
oh my goodness!
boy! u're getting older laa!
may all your dream come true!
study smart keyh!
dont skip your class!
take care of ur family well!
hope u will be a next great engineer!
hope u will find out a new gurlfriend!
dont forget to invite me if u wanna married!
take care!
my ex-scandal!
opps friend laa!
u remember or not that u gave me a song before this and now i wanna give it to you back!
accept it as your birthday's present keyh!
in my sleepless solitude tonight
if it's wrong to love you
then my heart won't let me be right
cause I'm drowned in you
and I won't pull trough
without you by my side
I'd give my all to have
just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to have
your body next to mine
cause I can't let go on
living in the memory of your song
I'd give my all for your love tonight
Baby can you feel me
imagining I'm looking in your eyes
I can see you clearly
vividly emblazoned in my mind
and yet you're so far
like a distant star
I'm wishing on tonight
I'd give my all for your love tonight
give my all for your love
luv oll of u..
*today is his birthday but i dont think i wanna wish him thru on fon and etc! so many memory we had create together! miss u!
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