3 names in your message inbox now:
pakcik, ayah sayang n ! jalil(sedaraku yg sengal)...
Your Ringtone:
dont break my heart...jesse mccartney...
1,2,3,4 i love u...plain white t..
What u did at 12 last night?
mcg ngn seorg pakcik! hik2...
Who was the last person you went out with? Where?
last person ea? my roomate...melepak kt luar t lwt pagi...=)
The colour of the T-shirt you're wearing now :
hitam yg tidak suci lg tidak murni...hak3!
The last thing u did:
makan ayam goreng...nk k?? xlehh! haha...
3 of your everyday favorite items:
lappy, handphone and duet kot!
The color of your bed room:
bercampur-campur...ohh! bestnye titow...=p
How much money in your wallet now:
ntah! mls nk bukak n mls nk kire...
How's life?
so far, Alhamdulillah...quite OK! ;)
Your favorite song:
songs from taylor swift, jesse mc cartney and marie digby=D
What will you do next week:
mcm biasa, mcm tak biasa...study lah...haha...poyo!
When was the last time you saw your mum:
mnggu lepas lepas lepas!
Where is she now?
kt umah...rindu dia.. =(
When was the last time you talked to your parent?
ptg td kul...ayah cakap dye dah masukkan duit ntok minggu nie...
Who is the last that talked with you last night:
pakcik kott! =p
Where did you have dinner last night
kt kfc...with jenny and jacyntha...hehe...
The last surprise you got:
xingat lah! =p
Last thing you borrowed from your friend:
erm, tudung rasanya...hihi...
Who is your bf/gr or husband/wife?
seseorang! lom kawen lg lol...=p
What do you feel now?
lonely...rumet sy kuar...lau tak 24 jam pot pet!=)
Who knows your secret?
myself and Allah swt...
Are you angry with someone?
yerp! tp sy xnk amek tau dh sal dia...
What do you order at McD:
hurm... MCdeluxe satu, oreo mcflurry satu! hee...
The last time you feel so sad..
hari nie...sakit aty ditinggalkan seorang diri di dalam bilik..! =(
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