"happy birthday! happy birthday! happy birthday!
to me!"
yeah today is my day!
even i had flu! no way!
now imma turn to 22 years old!
tua? xda laa kan? muda lagi!
nombor jea berubah sket! hehehe..
i wanna my burfday this year will about celebrating opportunities that life presents to me! moreover birthday is about gifts, cards, parties and well wishing even imma not demand on that! if u give me, i'll accept it! thanks yeah!
my birthday wish this year!
*may my dream come true!
*hope i can continue my stady dis year! insyaAllah
*wanna be more better person!
*wanna life happily ever after!
*wanna do more excitement in my life!
*lurve all people around me!
*semoga panjang umor n murah rezeki!
*nk tambah collection bear or dolls? nk stitch lagi bleyh?
haha...taun nie saper laa nk bg kan?taun lps boleh laa..
*present from my father!
ayah! imma wait for ur present! please quickly yeah!
*and may Allah bless me!
thanks to who those celebrating my day with me!
the first person who wish me today is mr A. hahaa..thanks yaw sebab sudi call i!shweet sgt u! thanks once again!
and also not forgetting those who sent sms-es, mms-es birthday greeting to me thru my cellphones or my facebook, my email n etc!
so sweet of you all!
love u all!
*now i taip sambil on the fon wif him n suffered flu! sorry laa if ayat berterabur sket! sakit aty ngn maxis! da dua tahun x dpat free call from maxis on my burfday! berdendam sungguh yea maxis ngn saya! grrr...relax sudah! celcom still ader! hehe.. so da dua tahun org jea call my maxis on my burfday! thanks you all!
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