my face ryte now!
so wake up and face da reality dat him neva be yours!"
kata kau!
yea itu words yg kuar dr sorg yg bergelar kwn patot ke nk mention saper..
rasanya x pyh laa kn..uat malu jea kn..
back to the story!
u noe wat mr aD, dorg cari aku balik n secara x lgsung kata2 ko x btol..
certain people yg prnh hurmm..aper ea...
ntah laa crush jea kot..sbab kitorg neva declare as a couple..
dis weekend macam haven jea taw!
4 orang sekali hadir in my life
most important is dorg used being my crush before this!
being single is nothing bad!
soo fun!
1st person!
dis man kn neva msg me..kiranya yg start msg laa..msti aku lu yg akn mulakannya dulu..haish!
but dis week he mcg me! even just my name its too precious!
really excited!
but i cant replied ur mcg dat tyme! my family on sad mood..
hope u phm keyh!
nway thnxs coz sudi mulakan mcg me!
da lama kot menunggu but x pernah mengharap pon!
keja leklok keyh..
u one of the best engineer in this world larh!
2nd person!
mr Q u!
igt x psl dye? sure laa igt kn.he used being my alarm b4 this..
last friday i thought, we chat setelah lama masing2 menyepi..
at 1st he cant recognise me its bcoz i changed my name kt fb tue..
tak sempat nk xplain then tetiba dye ckp..
"oh yea stitch! i igt u!"
OMG! very the sgt masa tue larh taw!
per lg yg leyh xpect more than chat kt fb almost jejak jam 3 pagi laa jugak..tue pn sbab aku x leyh thn ngantuk sgt daa..law x msti jejak ke pagi..well its routine!
kitorg chat dari hal private sampai yg giler2 yg penting episod meluah perasaan pon menyelit samer..siap nk carikn keja ntok i lg tue even just nk cari kt shah alam! shweet!
haishhh rinduuu larh!
ok xleyh daa! he now da ader SGF keyh! so kwn2 jea laa..tp dye ader ckp sdh terbiasa ngn life single! ntah laa do not noe laa kn aper maksud dye..
3rd person!
igt x crush i dulu yg keja as a reporter tue?
he called me sbab nk ajk lepak..
aper lg leyh xpect dr dye selain tgk wyg then chill kt mcD..
thats our favrite!
setelah lama x cntct..aku senyap dye pon senyap..
and now dye keja balik..same like da old time we had togather b4 this!
frust laa jugak x dpt nk kuar ngn dye lagi then gelak2 gosip2 org yg x knl..hahaha..besh sgt moment tue aw..
xper laa u xda rezeki kan next tyme kita hang out togather keyh! u threat me..well u da keja kan! sure laa u akn blanja i kn dats u..so gentleman!
u! i misss dat moment very muchh laa u! demmit!
4th person!
dye nie rasanya aku x pernah story psl dye kt cnie..
dye nie keja kt over da sea larh! xjauh pon..around asean jea..
dye nie sbnrnya kwn cousin i..dye satu sekolah ngn cousin i lu!
dye nie very the pendiam laa.. but stady mang gempak larh kn..
kitorg pernah lpk kt sunway pyramid lu..tp xda laa berdua..rmai2 yea..
then pernah laa lepak kt tempat lain dlm 2 ke3 kali cm tue..
yg i suka dye sbab he very da polite larh, beriman laa jugak even otak tue mang ting-tong abesh larh..alwaz gelak ngn dye nie..muka dye sgt laa oryte u.. Chinese look..smart weyh!
then tanpa dye jangka he msg me but i didnt reply..sajea jea kn nk uji dye..then aper u xpect?
he called me yaw! then we chit chat larh gelak2, kena mngena antara satu sama lain!
really fun arh!
miss moment with u!
dis weekend totally besh for me larh!
really enjoyed with my life!
xda nk pk org da skunk!
love myself!
motif utama kt cnie ialah
benda yg once pernah dtg in our life, its will come back..samada kita akn terima its such a good thinggy or a bad ones..its just like karma..most important is sabar!
and apabila kita berfikiran positif n kita confident ngn life kita, it may b such a heaven to u!
if once kita positif ngn diri kita sume bnda will be a smooth one to us!
think for urself keyh! no more others!
ur life let u decide! dunt neva and eva let others concer ur life!
some one yg hepy sgt2 dis weekend!
* kesian syazwina! i'm heapy dis week but she! sabar yea..i always support u! ok? aku shayang ko sgt2 babe! aku doakan ko cepat2 dpt SBF..bkn yg men2 k yg steady keyh!
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